Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Titans and gods

Through out the myth "The creation of the titans and the gods" the overall big picture to me is, that mothers in general do not have to much power over there husbands doing. Gaea had no control when Uranus in prisoned her children, he could do whatever he wanted. Mothers that love there children have always have been very protective of their children. A few years there were stories about how a car trapped a mothers child and she lifted then car using superhuman strength. The human body can do a lot of crazy stuff like the strength of Hercules, strength of the three Cyclopses, and the Hundred hand giants. Gaea in the myth does not give up on getting her immortal children back from there imprisonment, and that is a very important thing to understand. Things can always get better for Gaea(mother Earth) just need to wait and see what happens. Myths have a lasting impact on humanity, or just to who ever wants to listen and learn about the past and learn the theme or meaning behind the story/myth. In my opinion myths are very important in modern day society that we live in today. I think the whole point behind myths are to pass on funny and interesting stories about the past and give us an imagination. I would have never thought that the sun comes across the sky by some guy in a chariot pulling it, without myths (Helios did it i think)


  1. I agree with you Evan, and thats where we see evidence of the Mycenaean Greeks combining their Patriarchal religion with the Matriarchal religion they found in Greece.

  2. Evan i agree with most of what you're saying but I think you may have missed what i believe is the real reason behind myths being important to modern day society. I find it hard to believe that people would go through the time to learn a story about ancients and immortals if it didn't have some kind of value greater than just a funny story. I believe the real reason is that the myths have lessons that humanity can benefit from learning, and people see the value in the lesson they teach. You might want to see if you also come to that conclusion.


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