Friday, December 11, 2009


A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

- Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve is a man who knows what it means to be a hero - he did play Superman after all. So, coming from him, this quote can actually really affect those who observe it. Odysseus fits the criteria for a hero in more than just the criteria laid out by this quote and yet he fits the above quote almost perfectly. In actuality he really is just an ordinary man, he was born from two mortals (albeit royals) and he grew up among mortals. It wasn't until he was older that his confrontations with the Gods occured. So, from an ordinary upbringing he rose to the occasion and met every challenge presented to him head on - he fought for his life, for his family's life, and for his country.

Most modern day heroes also fit this criteria. Not all are uncommonly strong, or dashingly attractive, or wealthy - some merely had the strength of will to persevere in the face of overwhelming obstacles. Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Romeo Dallaire, and Martin Luther King to name a few of the more well known ones. However, many more people in our world can be considered heroes just by simply living through overwhelming obstacles. People who have survived a debilitating, often lethal, disease like cancer or people who have struggled with abuse or poverty - these people are heroes in their own right.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, It's not the amount of "Bad guys" you can over take, or how strong your right hook is, meeting challeneges head on, facing your own foes whether those be financial issues, or sickness and overcoming them is what defines a hero.


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