Monday, December 7, 2009

temptation a humans greatest weakness?

temptation is an on going weakness for many people everyday and we must find ways in order to work around it . In the Odyssey , Odysseus has to overcome many temptations in order to finally return back to his city of Ithaca. But its not just Odysseus that has to over come his temptations but the whole crew, and a great example is when they want to see whats in Odysseus sack since they believe he is lying to them and getting treasure from the islands they have been at. Instead of avoid there temptation of opening the bag and finding out whats really in the sack that Odysseus received from the god of wind, they ripped it open and they caused them to release the winds and sent them back to were there journey first started.

Another great example of temptation would be when Odysseus reveals his name to Polyphemus. This was Odysseus's hunger for kleos and his temptation was to let people know who he really is , since he was happy he had just defeated the one eyed monster. He was caught in the heat of the moment and wasn't thinking of the consequences that could later come ,bringing Poseidon's wrath upon him and his men. This shows how hard it is to avoid temptation even the great hero Odysseus couldn't hold it back.

This shows that temptation is in fact a great weakness for a human and if you don't know how to hold back from them , it can really come back to bite you.

1 comment:

  1. But in a way, Odyssues was weak when it came to feminine wiles.


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